Tips for Exterior Painting
Exterior painting is a daunting task but it is extremely rewarding too, well-executed exterior painting will increase the worth of your property and add to the curb appeal. Here are some tips for you to paint in an efficient and effective manner.
Prepare the surface
Before starting to paint, clean the surface and make sure there isn’t any chalk like residue, mildew, mold, grime or dirt on it. You may scrub with your hands or make use of a power sprayer. Scrape off the old blistered paint before starting a fresh coat. Bare wood has to be primed first before you start painting.
Begin at the top
Keep these things in mind:
Always begin painting the exterior from the top and then work your way to the lower portion of the house.
First paint the edges of the sidings then move on to wider surfaces.
Avoid creating lap marks by brushing from one damp surface to another.
Use both brush and roller
Both brush and rollers execute the job faster.
For narrow surfaces and edges, use a paintbrush.
Use a roller with a small diameter to paint the broader surfaces like trims and sidings.
Keep the weather conditions in mind
Weather conditions should not be underestimated for these reasons:
Painting in direct sunlight will make the heat dry the paint quickly. This will make lap marks unavoidable. Direct sunlight also causes peeling and sweltering.
Never paint on rainy days. Rainwater will not let you complete the job.
Painting on windy days is troublesome as it makes the paint dry swiftly and at the same time blows dirt on the wet paint.
Latex paint is not meant to be applied in cold weather (temperature below 50F) unless the label specifies otherwise.
Paint with both hands
If you can learn to paint with both right and left hand, it will save your time. Painting with both hands will maximize your reach. Most of all have fun with it! I enjoy listening to classic rock all the while. Great way to get some exercise and make your home look great!
Professional Painting Service
Provided by Ian Laurence in Southern New Hampshire. Fill out the form below for a free no obligation quote. References furnished upon request, over 20 years experience.